Shop Cinderella’s Closet

Cinderellas Closet -fariytale dresses at vintage prices

Premier Event Sponsors

Snedicors Logo

Lacasa Collection Logo

Early Spring & Early Fall

LACASA Center hosts Cinderella’s Closet twice a year during the spring prom season and fall homecoming season.

The Closet is an eco-friendly shop that offers gently-loved party dresses for high school girls at affordable prices.

Dresses are $25 at Cinderella’s Closet and all proceeds go to provide help and hope for victims and survivors of interpersonal violence at LACASA. Limited dress scholarships are available by speaking with the project leader on duty.

Girls who purchase a dress at the budget-friendly boutique are helping in two ways. They are supporting a local charity and aiding the environment by recycling gowns and party attire.

Cinderella’s Closet is held for two weekends in the spring and fall at Snedicor’s Green Earth Cleaners in Brighton. A third weekend “Curtain Call” is held at LACASA’s resale boutique, the LACASA Collection in Howell.

PLEASE NOTE: Cinderella’s Closet is for high school teens only.
Shoppers will be asked to present their student IDs.

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Dress Donations

While Snedicor’s Green Earth Cleaners will no longer host the event, the company continues its support of Cinderella’s Closet by picking up dress donations and cleaning the donated dresses at no charge.

Community members interested in donating gently-loved party dresses and gowns can schedule a pick up online at or can call Snedicor’s at

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    Our Canine Advocate, Ember, serves as a source of support for child abuse victims during court proceedings and while in counseling sessions.