We provide counseling at no charge for abuse survivors
Our Counseling Center provides a wide spectrum of counseling services for children, teens and adults.
This is a safe place for victims and survivors of child abuse, domestic violence and sexual assault to heal from the trauma of violence.
We offer individual, family and group counseling sessions in a supportive and confidential environment.
Our Counseling Center is staffed by Master’s level clinicians who are highly-trained in helping survivors explore feelings, clarify issues, review options, and create safety plans.
We also provide counseling for the family and friends of survivors to help them understand and process issues surrounding abuse, family violence and sexual assault.
If you would like to schedule a counseling appointment, please call our Helpline at (866) 522-2725.
Group counseling
We provide group counseling sessions for children, teens and adults. Our groups offer a safe, non-threatening environment for individuals to share, learn and heal. All of our groups honor confidentiality.
Participation requires pre-registration with our counseling team. Call our Helpline at (866) 522-2725 for schedule or to join a group counseling program.
Respite Childcare Services
We provide childcare for clients while they are in counseling or group counseling sessions. Parents are asked to pre-schedule all respite care.