A supportive place for fathers
& male role models
Next Classes Upcoming
Dates: TBD
Time: TBD
Location: LACASA – 1920 Tooley Road, Howell, MI 48855
Cost: $125 per attendee, which includes materials
Registration & Information: 517-548-1350 ask for Jan Lobur, or email parenting@lacasacenter.org
Download PDF: Fathers Only- Registration Form
This eight-week learning experience is for fathers, step-fathers, and other male caregivers. This program is offered several times a year, contact us for information on the next session.
Topics include:
- The Father I Choose to Be
- Fathering Without Fear
- Fathering without violence
- Fathering Daughters/Sons
Program cost is $125. Materials are included in the fee. Enrollment is limited and some scholarships are available. We must receive your check prior to the first class.