If you feared for your life,
where would you go?
When someone in your life becomes violent, when you feel that your life is in jeopardy, when you fear for the safety of your children, our Crisis Shelter is here.
This is a secure setting for survivors of child abuse, domestic violence and sexual assault. We offer a non-violent environment for you, your children and your pets.
We provide shelter, meals and basic essentials as you recover and heal. Our counselors and advocates offer every support possible as you begin to create a plan for your safety and well-being.
What to expect
- Our 20-bed shelter offers survivors and their children a home-like setting in times of severe crisis.
- Residents of the LACASA Crisis Shelter live in private or shared guest rooms where they can regain some sense of normalcy following a traumatic event.
- Shared common rooms include a fully equipped community kitchen, large dining area, a living room, multimedia den, and a serenity room.
- We provide our residents and their families with all food, essential clothing, toiletries, paper goods, children’s toys, school supplies, and other daily-living needs.
- Our Safe Pet Place has two kennel areas, one for dogs and another for cats and other animals. We have a secure outdoor pet run.
Special children’s areas
Our kids’ play areas and art rooms have child-height windows, giving children a physical and psychological view of the outside world at their level.
This small feature offers big emotional rewards, providing children with a sense of openness, importance and empowerment.
We have an outdoor playscape and playground where children can swing, slide, climb, run, jump, and toss a ball. It is a colorful place that lets them be kids again.