Working Together to Prevent Child Abuse

LACASA’s Child Abuse Prevention (CAP) Council is Livingston County’s designated child abuse and neglect prevention agency. The mission of the CAP Council is to prevent child abuse and neglect before it occurs.

Through direct educational programming and public awareness campaigns, the council works to protect children from the pain and heartbreak of abuse and neglect so they can grow up happy, healthy and whole.

The programs we offer include:

For the Community

  • Plant a Pinwheel Campaign: Each April, during National Child Abuse Prevention Month, the CAP Council holds its Plant a Pinwheel campaign in Livingston County to raise awareness about child abuse and neglect in Livingston County and to recognize those who are working every day to support children and families in our community.
  • Safe Sleep Month Campaign: Every October, during Safe Sleep Month, the CAP Council shares information on the guidelines for safe sleep and supports parents and infant caregivers in making safe sleep decisions for their baby.

For Adults

  • Sleeping. Crying. Driving.: This one-hour online class, developed in partnership with MSU Extension, teaches new parents about safe sleep, how to cope with infant crying, and car seat safety.
  • The Period of PURPLE Crying: This evidence-based program educates on why your baby cries so much, safe ways to cope with frustration about crying and the dangers of shaking a baby.
  • Stewards of Children: The power and responsibility of preventing child sexual abuse belongs on the shoulders of adults. LACASA’s CAP Council is proud to offer Stewards of Children, an evidence-based workshop created by Darkness to Light, that teaches adults to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to child sexual abuse.
  • Call to Action Conference: This professional development opportunity for those who work with children, youth and families in Livingston County addresses a new prevention-related topic each year.

For Students

  • Infant Safety Workshop: These interactive middle and high school workshops teach students about safe sleep for babies, how to cope with frustration caused by a crying infant, and why you never, ever shake a baby.
  • Body Safety Training Program: This child sexual abuse risk reduction program is offered to first grade students in Livingston County. Students learn about being the Boss of Their Body, keeping their bodies safe from dangers such as poison, fire, guns, and strangers, and the Body Safety Rule- It is not ok for anyone to look at, or touch, private parts.

Schedule a workshop

If you are interested in scheduling a workshop or class for your organization, school or daycare center, contact the CAP Council at LACASA: 517-548-1350 or

To learn more about LACASA’s CAP Council, call 517-548-1350 or email us at

Children Trust Michigan