When you are a client at LACASA Center, your identity, status and any services you receive are completely confidential. Your identity will be revealed only with your written permission for a specific and clearly defined purpose. The exception to this would involve legal and mandated reporting requirements (see below).

We offer comprehensive services which often involve a team of professionals. It is necessary that we share information about you and your family members among LACASA team members who are working with your family.

Confidentiality & Your Records

Our staff observes confidential safeguarding of information about all clients. Records are kept for a specified period of time and then destroyed. For adults, records are kept for 10 years after the completion of services. For children, records are kept 10 years after a child’s 18th birthday. Records will not be destroyed if there is a pending litigation.

Legal & Mandated Exceptions

At times, there are some exceptions to confidentiality. Any information requested for release by a Court Order shall be referred to the President/CEO for determination.

Additionally, information may be shared without written consent of a client under the following mandated reporting circumstances: risk of suicide, child abuse, and/or vulnerable adult abuse; homicide/credible threat of harm to others and/or incapacitating medical emergencies; alleged crime committed on agency property; as well as internal and/or external program audits.

Client Rights

  • No client shall be favored or discriminated against because of race, religion, color, national origin, citizenship, age, sex, height, weight, marital status, sexual orientation, parental status, physical and/or intellectual developmental disabilities, membership in any labor organization, political affiliation, or economic background
  • Clients have the right to self determination within the guidelines and mission of the LACASA program
  • Clients have the right to be treated with dignity and respect
  • All Clients have equal rights to receive services without being judged or unnecessarily criticized
  • Clients must be informed of the agency’s mission, goals, rules and limitations which will affect their use of services
  • Clients have the right to access their own records of services received
  • Clients have the right to register their concerns and disagreements regarding LACASA policies, procedures or staff as outlined in the client grievance procedure

Surveillance Notice

Per LACASA’s Monitoring and Surveillance Policy, security cameras are placed throughout the outside and inside of the agency. These cameras are there to prioritize safety while respecting the privacy and dignity of all.

 For a complete brochure, which includes our grievance procedures, contact your counselor.

Broken heart GraphicFast Facts

  • 71% of pet-owning women who entered shelters reported that their batterer injured, maimed, killed, or threatened the life of a family pet
  • 75% of those threats occurred in front of the family’s children
  • 21 states have enacted legislation that include provisions for pets in DV protection orders
  • 55% of domestic violence victims report that their pets are very important sources of emotional support, making threats against them particularly devastating

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