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24/7 Helpline
Our 24-hour Helpline is staffed by trained professionals who respond to your calls and texts about child abuse, domestic violence and sexual assault.
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Our 24-hour Helpline is staffed by trained professionals who respond to your calls and texts about child abuse, domestic violence and sexual assault.
Our Canine Advocate, Penny, served as a source of support for child abuse victims during court proceedings and while in counseling sessions.
Our Crisis Shelter is designed to be child-friendly and offers indoor and outdoor play areas and a Safe Pet Place for family pets of all varieties.
We provide age-appropriate counseling, support groups and special activity programs for children and teens.
Sandusky case sheds light on complexities of sexual abuse...
Our Safe Pet Place allows victims of interpersonal violence to arrive at LACASA Center's Crisis Shelter with their family pet. We offer cozy kennel facilities, which provide a temporary home for these little (and sometimes big) creatures.